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Information related to the JobControl software

  • Manual to Home (with Robot)

    MANUAL TO HOME (WITH ROBOT) [img src="" alt="Note"] The robot is in an unknown location and for some reason...

  • Backup IPC software - JobControl

    BACKUP IPC SOFTWARE - JOBCONTROL [img src="" alt="Note"] To further investigate the issue you are experienc...

  • Manual to Home with JobControl

    MANUAL TO HOME WITH JOBCONTROL [img src="" alt="Note"] The robot is in an unknown location and for some rea...

  • HOW TO: Import yaml files - JobControl

    HOW TO: IMPORT YAML FILES - JOBCONTROL [img src="" alt="Note"] Exported files or files send by RoboJob need...

  • Alarm List - JobControl - Lift alarms (L)

    ALARM LIST - JOBCONTROL - LIFT ALARMS (L) [img src="" alt="Note"] List of alarms regarding the lifting syst...

  • Incorrect Tower state

    INCORRECT TOWER STATE [img src="" alt="Note"] For some reason, the tower state in the software does not mat...

  • Reset Vertical/Horizontal Axis not ready

    RESET VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL AXIS NOT READY [img src="" alt="Note"] The software wants to move a pallet in the...