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Information related to the JobControl software

  • Manual to Home (with Robot)

    Manual to Home (with Robot) The robot is in an unknown location and for some reason cannot move automatically to the home position.Follow this procedure to move the robot to the home position. First t...

  • Backup IPC software - JobControl

    Backup IPC software - JobControl To further investigate the issue you are experiencing, RoboJob needs a backup of thecurrent IPC software state on your machine. This same procedure can off course also...

  • Manual to Home with JobControl

    Manual to Home with JobControl The robot is in an unknown location and for some reason cannot move automatically to the home position.Follow this procedure to move the robot to the home position. Firs...

  • HOW TO: Import yaml files - JobControl

    HOW TO: Import yaml files - JobControl Exported files or files send by RoboJob need to be imported into the software. This can be for example a grid or a set of jaws. Table of Contents 1. Use followin...

  • Alarm List - JobControl - Lift alarms (L)

    Alarm List - JobControl - Lift alarms (L) List of alarms regarding the lifting system in the Jobcontrol environment. Table of Contents 1. Description 1.1. LX-XXXX - Lift alarms 1.1.1. LX-01: Lift Alar...

  • Incorrect Tower state

    Incorrect Tower state For some reason, the tower state in the software does not match the physical tower state anymore.Follow the procedure below to correct the state of the Tower. One of two options ...

  • Reset Vertical/Horizontal Axis not ready

    Reset Vertical/Horizontal Axis not ready The software wants to move a pallet in the Tower, but this motion is not allowed. Follow this procedure to reset the alarm. Reset the Alarm First, try to reset...