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Information about peripheral devices

  • Sick Flexi Soft Safety Controller

    Sick Flexi Soft Safety Controller Sensors and switching elements (e.g. light curtains, laser scanners, switches, sensors, encoders, emergency stop pushbutton) are connected to the Flexi Soft modular s...

  • Sick S300 Mini Safety laser scanner

    Sick S300 Mini Safety laser scanner The sick s300 safety scanner is used to secure the working area of the robot. This device ensures that the robot will stop if a person or object enters the working ...

  • Sick deTec4 Safety light curtain

    Sick deTec4 Safety light curtain The sick deTec4 safety light curtain is used to secure the working area of the robot. This device ensures that the robot will stop if a person or object enters the wor...

  • Sick C4000 Safety light curtain

    Sick C4000 Safety light curtain The sick c4000 safety light curtain is used to secure the working area of the robot. This device ensures that the robot will stop if a person or object enters the worki...

  • Sick MicroScan3 Safety laser scanner

    Sick MicroScan3 Safety laser scanner The sick microscan3 safety scanner is used to secure the working area of the robot. This device ensures that the robot will stop if a person or object enters the w...

  • Metal Work One: All-in-One Air Prep Unit

    Metal Work One: All-in-One Air Prep Unit The metalwork unit is an all-in-one conditioning unit. In this document the different functions are explained. The setting of the pressure switch is also expla...

  • Tosibox: Remote support via a secure connection

    Tosibox: Remote support via a secure connection Tosibox® Lock 150 is an intelligent remote access and networking device that serves as an endpoint for secure remote connections.Devices connected to th...

  • Euchner ZSM2301-105075 Deadman switch

    Euchner ZSM2301-105075 Deadman switch The Euchner deadman switch can be used to control the robots speed.This allows the operator to move the robot at low speed while standing close to it. Read and un...

  • ELMON rail 39-726 Safety Edge

    ELMON rail 39-726 Safety Edge Troubleshooting the safety edge relay: ELMON rail 39-726 This is a safety device. To be used by trained and authorized personnel only. Table of Contents 1. Procedure 1.1....