Alarm List - Multi-Assist
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This document provides an overview of the error codes and alarms that can be shown inside the Multi-Assist software. |
1. ROB - Robot alarms
- 1.1. ROB.1: Robot alarm.
- 1.2. ROB.2: Battery low, do not power off the robot.
- 1.3. ROB.3: Watch out! The robot is in step mode.
- 1.4. ROB.4: Teach Pendant should be turned on (T mode).
- 1.5. ROB.5: Deadman switch must be pressed (T mode).
- 1.6. ROB.6: Teach pendant should be off (Auto mode).
- 1.7. ROB.7: Motion is held.
- 1.8. ROB.8: Motion disabled.
- 1.9. ROB.11: Scanner contamination warning.
- 1.10. ROB.12: Scanner contamination error.
- 1.11. ROB.13: Safety scanner application error.
- 1.12. ROB.14: Safety scanner device error.
- 1.13. ROB.21: Dual check safety box 1 error.
- 1.14. ROB.22: Dual check safety box 2 error.
- 1.15. ROB.23: Dual check safety box 3 error.
- 1.16. ROB.24: Dual check safety box 4 error.
- 1.17. ROB.25: Dual check safety box 5 error.
- 1.18. ROB.26: Dual check safety box 6 error.
- 1.19. ROB.27: Dual check safety box 7 error.
- 1.20. ROB.28: Dual check safety box 8 error.
- 1.21. ROB.31: Speed was higher than 1000.
- 1.22. ROB.32: Speed was higher than 250.
- 1.23. ROB.33: Safety zone 2 was not cleared.
- 1.24. ROB.34: Safety zone 3 was not cleared.
- 1.25. ROB.36: Handheld error.
- 1.26. ROB.100: Robot cannot safely return to known position.
- 1.27. ROB.101: Rack or Rack gripper not detected.
- 1.28. ROB.102: No shaft detected.
- 1.29. ROB.103: Signal was already high before measurement.
- 1.30. ROB.104: Unexpected sensor value: no workpiece detected.
- 1.31. ROB.105: Sensor keeps detecting shaft.
- 1.32. ROB.106: Sensors are ignored.
- 1.33. ROB.107: Unexpected sensor value: workpiece detected.
- 1.34. ROB.200: Door open signal was lost.
- 1.35. ROB.501: Configuration error, invalid intermediate point data.
- 1.36. ROB.502: Insufficient pressure on the air supply.
2. CNC alarms
- 2.1. DR - Doors
- 2.2. MG.X - Machine
- 2.3. AC-M - Action Machine (M)
2.4. AC-Fx Action Fixture (Fx)
- 2.4.1. AC-Fx-1 Airblow
- 2.4.2. AC-Fx-2 Orient
- 2.4.3. AC-Fx-3 Select pressure
2.4.4. AC-Fx-4 Clamp (inner)
- AC-Fx-4.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-4.2: Clamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-4.3: Unclamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-4.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
- AC-Fx-4.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
- AC-Fx-4.6: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-4.7: Clamp lost selection.
- AC-Fx-4.8: Unclamp lost selection.
2.4.5. AC-Fx-5 Clamp (outer)
- AC-Fx-5.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-5.2: Clamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-5.3: Unclamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-5.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
- AC-Fx-5.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
- AC-Fx-5.6: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-5.7: Clamp lost selection.
- AC-Fx-5.8: Unclamp lost selection.
2.4.6. AC-Fx-6 Unclamp (inner)
- AC-Fx-6.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-6.2: Clamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-6.3: Unclamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-6.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
- AC-Fx-6.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
- AC-Fx-6.6: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-6.7: Clamp lost selection.
- AC-Fx-6.8: Unclamp lost selection.
2.4.7. AC-Fx-7 Unclamp (outer)
- AC-Fx-7.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-7.2: Clamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-7.3: Unclamp timeout.
- AC-Fx-7.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
- AC-Fx-7.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
- AC-Fx-7.6: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-7.7: Clamp lost selection.
- AC-Fx-7.8: Unclamp lost selection.
- 2.4.8. AC-Fx-8 Spindle jog (on)
- 2.4.9. AC-Fx-9 Spindle jog (off)
2.4.10. AC-Fx-10 Dock
- AC-Fx-10.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-10.2: Dock timeout.
- AC-Fx-10.3: Undock timeout.
- AC-Fx-10.5: Undock overridden by dock switch.
- AC-Fx-10.6: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-10.7: Dock lost selection.
- AC-Fx-10.8: Undock lost selection.
2.4.11. AC-Fx-11 Undock
- AC-Fx-11.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-11.2: Dock timeout.
- AC-Fx-11.3: Undock timeout.
- AC-Fx-11.4: Dock overridden by undock switch.
- AC-Fx-11.5: Undock overridden by dock switch.
- AC-Fx-11.6: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-11.7: Dock lost selection.
- AC-Fx-11.8: Undock lost selection.
- AC-Fx-12 Clamp steady rest
- AC-Fx-12.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-12.2: Clamp steady rest timeout.
- AC-Fx-12.3: Unclamp steady rest timeout.
- AC-Fx-12.4: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-12.5: Clamp steady rest lost selection.
- AC-Fx-12.6: Unclamp steady rest lost selection.
2.4.12. AC-Fx-13 Unclamp steady rest
- AC-Fx-13.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Fx-13.2: Clamp steady rest timeout.
- AC-Fx-13.3: Unclamp steady rest timeout.
- AC-Fx-13.4: Machine is processing.
- AC-Fx-13.5: Clamp steady rest lost selection.
- AC-Fx-13.6: Unclamp steady rest lost selection.
- 2.4.13. AC-Fx-14 Engage tail
- 2.4.14. AC-Fx-15 Retract tail
2.5. AC-D Action Door (Dx)
2.5.1. AC-Dx-1 Open
- AC-Dx-1.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Dx-1.2: Close door timeout (should never be triggered).
- AC-Dx-1.3: Open door timeout.
- AC-Dx-1.4: Safety not ok.
- AC-Dx-1.5: Close overridden by open switch (should never be triggered).
- AC-Dx-1.6: Open overridden by close switch.
- AC-Dx-1.7: Machine is processing.
2.5.2. AC-Dx-2 Close
- AC-Dx-2.1: Client disconnected.
- AC-Dx-2.2: Close door timeout.
- AC-Dx-2.3: Open door timeout (should never be triggered).
- AC-Dx-2.4: Safety not ok.
- AC-Dx-2.5: Close overridden by open switch.
- AC-Dx-2.6: Open overridden by close switch (should never be triggered).
- AC-Dx-2.7: Machine is processing.
2.5.1. AC-Dx-1 Open
- 2.6. Work area (Wx)
- 2.7. ME - Ethernet Alarms
- 2.8. ME.4: No ethernet dongle found.
- 2.9. A.2.5. Others
- 3. Rack alarms
4. Servo Stacker alarms
4.1. General
- 4.1.1. SG.0: Stacker not connected.
- 4.1.2. SG.1: Problem with the pressure.
- 4.1.3. SG.2: Error during clamping.
- 4.1.4. SG.3: Error during unclamping.
- 4.1.5. SG.4: Faulty command.
- 4.1.6. SG.5: Emergency stop.
- 4.1.7. SG.10: Robot alarm.
- 4.1.8. SG.11: Destination of zone 1 out of range.
- 4.1.9. SG.12: Destination of zone 2 out of range.
- 4.1.10. SG.30: Stacker not in position.
- 4.2. Timeout
- 4.3. Motor
4.1. General
- 5. How to get further help
1. ROB - Robot alarms
1.1. ROB.1: Robot alarm.
This is a general robot alarm The actual error is coming from the FANUC robot and can be consulted on theTeach Pendant.Remedy: Check the alarms on the Teach Pendant of the robot.
1.2. ROB.2: Battery low, do not power off the robot.
The batteries of the robot need to be replaced. It is important that you do not switch off the robot.
Cause: When the robot is turned off, it will use it’s internal backup batteries to power the position encoders. If the position encoders lose power, their memory is erased and the robot loses it’s position data. When this happens, the robot needs to be remastered.
Remedy: Contact RoboJob for the correct procedure.
1.3. ROB.3: Watch out! The robot is in step mode.
Remedy: Turn off step mode by pressing the STEP button on the FANUC Teach Pendant.
1.4. ROB.4: Teach Pendant should be turned on (T mode).
Remedy: Turn on the FANUC Teach Pendant by switching the left upper button to ON.
1.5. ROB.5: Deadman switch must be pressed (T mode).
Remedy: Press one of the yellow buttons on the rear side of the FANUC Teach Pendant. You have to press it slightly until you feel a click. Do not press is with full strength since this will have the same effect as releasing the switch.
1.6. ROB.6: Teach pendant should be off (Auto mode).
Remedy: Turn off the FANUC Teach Pendant by switching the left upper button to OFF.
1.7. ROB.7: Motion is held.
Cause: This alarm is given whenever there is an other alarm and/or when the hold button is pressed. ROB.7 is more an indicator than an alarm.
Remedy: Check what other alarm is active. If no other alarm is active you can reset the software. After resetting all errors, push the green RUN button next to the IPC screen.
1.8. ROB.8: Motion disabled.
Cause: The robot wants to move in the machine, but the door was not open.
Remedy: Check that the doors of the machine are open/closed and that they are working correctly. Also, check if the door is fully open and not blocked by chips.
1.9. ROB.11: Scanner contamination warning.
Cause: The glass of the scanner is contaminated. Normal operation is still possible.
Remedy: Clean the glass of the scanner. If this doesn’t work, check if there are scratches or other damage visible on the optical surface of the scanner.
1.10. ROB.12: Scanner contamination error.
Cause: The glass of the scanner is contaminated. The glass is too contaminated to keep operating.
Remedy: Clean the glass of the scanner. If this doesn’t work, check if there are scratches or other damagevisible on the optical surface of the scanner.
1.11. ROB.13: Safety scanner application error.
Cause: Something is wrong in the configuration of the scanner project.
Remedy: Check the error code on the display of the scanner and use the manual to diagnose the issue.
1.12. ROB.14: Safety scanner device error.
Cause: Something is wrong with the scanner itself.
Remedy: Check the error code on the display of the scanner and use the manual to diagnose the issue.
1.13. ROB.21: Dual check safety box 1 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.14. ROB.22: Dual check safety box 2 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.15. ROB.23: Dual check safety box 3 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.16. ROB.24: Dual check safety box 4 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.17. ROB.25: Dual check safety box 5 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.18. ROB.26: Dual check safety box 6 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.19. ROB.27: Dual check safety box 7 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.20. ROB.28: Dual check safety box 8 error.
Cause: For safety reasons, additional virtual boxes with safety rules were added. When the robot is breaking one of the predefined rules, this virtual box will go into alarm.
Remedy: Check the other active alarms.
1.21. ROB.31: Speed was higher than 1000.
Cause: The speed of the robot was too high.
Remedy: Check the paths, speed, acceleration, deceleration of the robot in the software.
1.22. ROB.32: Speed was higher than 250.
Cause: The speed of the robot was too high.
Remedy: Check the paths, speed, acceleration, deceleration of the robot in the software.
1.23. ROB.33: Safety zone 2 was not cleared.
Cause: The safety scanner has detected an object in zone 2.
Remedy: Clear safety zone 2. If an automatic restart is enabled, the robot will automatically restart after a few seconds. Otherwise, press the 'robot run' button to resume.
1.24. ROB.34: Safety zone 3 was not cleared.
Cause: The safety scanner has detected an object in zone 3.
Remedy: Clear safety zone 3 and press the reset button.
1.25. ROB.36: Handheld error.
Cause: Safety from the handheld is not ok
Remedy: Hold the deadman switch on the handheld in the right position.
1.26. ROB.100: Robot cannot safely return to known position.
Cause: The robot software can not determine a safe path to follow to return to one of the predifined intermediate points of the robot movements. This can happen after a robot error during a movement or when you shut down the robot while it is not in one of the intermediate points or the home position.
Remedy: Move the robot manually to a safe position, close to the home point and send it to its home position via the 'Direct To Home' function. This function can be found in the Settings menu under Tools. If needed, you can contact RoboJob for a more detailed procedure!
1.27. ROB.101: Rack or Rack gripper not detected.
Cause: The gripper is expected to hold a rack or rack gripper, but the gripper is empty.
Remedy: Check the environment of the gripper.
1.28. ROB.102: No shaft detected.
Cause: The measure post didn’t detect a shaft in the sensor.
Remedy: Check the gripper and the placement of the shafts.
1.29. ROB.103: Signal was already high before measurement.
Cause: The laser beam is interrupted before the expected moment for measurement. The shaft is longer thanentered in the software or something else causes the measuring sensor to activate.
Remedy: Check the environment of the measurement system and the shaft.
1.30. ROB.104: Unexpected sensor value: no workpiece detected.
Cause: The robot was expecting a workpiece in the gripper, but it is not detected.
Remedy: Check the settings in the software (number of the workpieces, placement of the workpieces, …). Ifthis alarm stays active, please contact RoboJob for further analysis.
1.31. ROB.105: Sensor keeps detecting shaft.
Cause: The sensor was activated for too long after measuring the shaft, which causes a bad measurementof the shaft.
Remedy: Check the alignment of the sensor.
1.32. ROB.106: Sensors are ignored.
Cause: The ignoreGripperSensors setting is enabled.
Remedy: Set the ignoreGripperSensors setting to false.
1.33. ROB.107: Unexpected sensor value: workpiece detected.
Cause: The robot was not expecting a workpiece in the gripper, but the sensors detect a workpiece in thegripper.
Remedy: Check the settings in the software (number of the workpieces, placement of the workpieces, …). Ifthis alarm stays active, please contact RoboJob for further analysis.
1.34. ROB.200: Door open signal was lost.
Cause: The robot wants to move in the machine, but the door was not open.
Remedy: Check that the doors of the machine are open/closed and that they are working correctly. Also, checkif the door is fully open and not blocked by chips.
1.35. ROB.501: Configuration error, invalid intermediate point data.
Cause: The current IP data is invalid.
Remedy: Check the list with the IP-points again in the software.
1.36. ROB.502: Insufficient pressure on the air supply.
Cause: Pressure level is too low.
Remedy: Check the current air pressure. If this fault stays active, check the pressure regulator in the pneumatical cabinet.
2. CNC alarms
2.1. DR - Doors
2.1.1. DR.0: Safety not ok.
One of the safety inputs of the door is not recieved.
Remedy: Check all safety measures of the door.
2.2. MG.X - Machine
2.2.1. MG.0: Machine alarm input is active.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine.
2.2.2. MG.1: In cycle/cycle finished config error.
Remedy: At least one of the settings 'Use in cycle' or 'Use cycle finished' should be set to true.
2.2.3. MG.2: Not in auto mode.
Remedy: Switch the machine to AUTO mode.
2.3. AC-M - Action Machine (M)
During operation, multiple action errors can occur for different entities. The name of the error is built up out of three parts: AC (action), the abbreviation of the entitiy and the number of the error. When a certain entitiy can exist more than once within the same system, for example a machine with multiple doors. An index number is assigned to each entity, indicated here with an 'x' in the abreviation. The number of the error itself contains two digits: the first digit identifies the action, the second digit indicates the error that occured during this action.For each entities, possible actions are shown below.
Possible actions:
Start Cycle
Reset NC
Finish m-code
Power off
Select program
During each action, several execution errors can occur:
2.3.1. AC-M-1.X Start Cycle AC-M-1.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-M-1.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine. AC-M-1.3: Start timeout.
The machine could not be started within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the machine and try to start the machine again.
2.3.2. AC-M-2 Reset NC AC-M-2.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-M-2.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine.
2.3.3. AC-M-3 Finish m-code AC-M-3.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-M-3.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine. AC-M-3.3: Finish m-code timeout.
The m-code can not be finished within the requested time. AC-M-3.4: No valid m-code active.
The machine sends an m-code that is not mapped in the software.
Remedy: Check the m-code mapping in the IPC software.
2.3.4. AC-M-4 Power off AC-M-4.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-M-4.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine. AC-M-4.3: Power off timeout.
The machine can not be powered off.
Remedy: Try again to power off the machine.
2.3.5. AC-M-5 Select program AC-M-5.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-M-5.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine. AC-M-5.3: Select program timeout.
The requested program can not be selected within the requested time.
2.4. AC-Fx Action Fixture (Fx)
Possible actions:1. Airblow2. Orient3. Select pressure4. Clamp (inner)5. Clamp (outer)6. Unclamp (inner)7. Unclamp (outer)8. Spindle jog (on)9. Spindle jog (off)10.Dock11.Undock12.Clamp steady rest13.Unclamp steady rest14.Engage tail15.Retract tail
During each action, several execution errors can occur:
2.4.1. AC-Fx-1 Airblow AC-Fx-1.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-1.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contactthe manufacturer of the machine. AC-Fx-1.3: Lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-1.4: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step.
2.4.2. AC-Fx-2 Orient AC-Fx-2.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-2.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine. AC-Fx-2.3: Orient timeout.
The spindle could not be oriented before loading/unloading.
Remedy: Check the environment of the spindle and try to orient again. AC-Fx-2.4: Lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-2.5: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step.
2.4.3. AC-Fx-3 Select pressure AC-Fx-3.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-3.2: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine. AC-Fx-3.3: Select pressure timeout.
The requested pressure could not be selected within the set time. AC-Fx-3.4: Lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-3.5: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step.
2.4.4. AC-Fx-4 Clamp (inner) AC-Fx-4.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-4.2: Clamp timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again. AC-Fx-4.3: Unclamp timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Fx-4.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
While the clamp is closing, the switch to open the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to clamping. AC-Fx-4.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
While the clamp is opening, the switch to close the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to unclamping. AC-Fx-4.6: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-4.7: Clamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-4.8: Unclamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.5. AC-Fx-5 Clamp (outer) AC-Fx-5.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-5.2: Clamp timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again. AC-Fx-5.3: Unclamp timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Fx-5.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
While the clamp is closing, the switch to open the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to clamping. AC-Fx-5.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
While the clamp is opening, the switch to close the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to unclamping. AC-Fx-5.6: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-5.7: Clamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-5.8: Unclamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.6. AC-Fx-6 Unclamp (inner) AC-Fx-6.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-6.2: Clamp timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again. AC-Fx-6.3: Unclamp timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Fx-6.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
While the clamp is closing, the switch to open the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to clamping. AC-Fx-6.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
While the clamp is opening, the switch to close the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to unclamping. AC-Fx-6.6: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-6.7: Clamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-6.8: Unclamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.7. AC-Fx-7 Unclamp (outer) AC-Fx-7.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-7.2: Clamp timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again. AC-Fx-7.3: Unclamp timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Fx-7.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
While the clamp is closing, the switch to open the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to clamping. AC-Fx-7.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
While the clamp is opening, the switch to close the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to unclamping. AC-Fx-7.6: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-7.7: Clamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-7.8: Unclamp lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.8. AC-Fx-8 Spindle jog (on) AC-Fx-8.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-8.2: Jog timeout.
Remedy: Check the environment and try to jog again. AC-Fx-8.3: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-8.4: Lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.9. AC-Fx-9 Spindle jog (off) AC-Fx-9.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-9.2: Jog timeout.
Remedy: Check the environment and try to jog again. AC-Fx-9.3: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-9.4: Lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.10. AC-Fx-10 Dock AC-Fx-10.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-10.2: Dock timeout.
The fixture gets a timeout during docking a finished workpiece.
Remedy: Check the docking system and try to dock the workpiece again. AC-Fx-10.3: Undock timeout.
The fixture gets a timeout during undocking a raw workpiece.
Remedy: Check the docking system and try to undock the workpiece again.
=====AC-Fx-10.4: Dock overridden by undock switch.
While docking, the switch to undock the fixture is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to docking. AC-Fx-10.5: Undock overridden by dock switch.
While undocking, the switch to dock the fixture is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to undocking. AC-Fx-10.6: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-10.7: Dock lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-10.8: Undock lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.11. AC-Fx-11 Undock AC-Fx-11.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-11.2: Dock timeout.
The fixture gets a timeout during docking a finished workpiece.
Remedy: Check the docking system and try to dock the workpiece again. AC-Fx-11.3: Undock timeout.
The fixture gets a timeout during undocking a raw workpiece.
Remedy: Check the docking system and try to undock the workpiece again. AC-Fx-11.4: Dock overridden by undock switch.
While docking, the switch to undock the fixture is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to docking. AC-Fx-11.5: Undock overridden by dock switch.
While undocking, the switch to dock the fixture is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to undocking. AC-Fx-11.6: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-11.7: Dock lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-11.8: Undock lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-12.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-12.2: Clamp steady rest timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again. AC-Fx-12.3: Unclamp steady rest timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Fx-12.4: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-12.5: Clamp steady rest lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-12.6: Unclamp steady rest lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.12. AC-Fx-13 Unclamp steady rest AC-Fx-13.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-13.2: Clamp steady rest timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again. AC-Fx-13.3: Unclamp steady rest timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Fx-13.4: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-13.5: Clamp steady rest lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-13.6: Unclamp steady rest lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again.
2.4.13. AC-Fx-14 Engage tail AC-Fx-14.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-14.2: Engage timeout.
Remedy: Check the environment and try again. AC-Fx-14.3: Retract timeout.
Remedy: Check the environment and try to retract again. AC-Fx-14.4: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-14.5: Engage lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-14.6: Retract lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-14.7: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error given by the machine. If necessary, contact themanufacturer of the machine.
2.4.14. AC-Fx-15 Retract tail AC-Fx-15.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Fx-15.2: Engage timeout.
Remedy: Check the environment and try again. AC-Fx-15.3: Retract timeout.
Remedy: Check the environment and try to retract again. AC-Fx-15.4: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step. AC-Fx-15.5: Engage lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-15.6: Retract lost selection.
Remedy: Try to select again. AC-Fx-15.7: Machine alarm.
Remedy: Check the error given by the machine. If necessary, contact themanufacturer of the machine.
2.5. AC-D Action Door (Dx)
Possible actions:
During each action, several execution errors can occur:
2.5.1. AC-Dx-1 Open AC-Dx-1.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Dx-1.2: Close door timeout (should never be triggered).
The door could not be closed.
Remedy: Check the environment of the door and make sure nothing blocks the door. Try to close the door again. AC-Dx-1.3: Open door timeout.
The door could not be opened.
Remedy: Check the environment of the door and make sure nothing blocks the door. Try to open the door again. AC-Dx-1.4: Safety not ok.
One of the safety inputs of the door is not recieved.
Remedy: Check all safety measures of the door. AC-Dx-1.5: Close overridden by open switch (should never be triggered).
While closing the door, the switch to open the door is operated.
Remedy: Close the door again. AC-Dx-1.6: Open overridden by close switch.
While opening the door, the switch to close the door is operated.
Remedy: Open the door again. AC-Dx-1.7: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step.
2.5.2. AC-Dx-2 Close AC-Dx-2.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Dx-2.2: Close door timeout.
The door could not be closed.
Remedy: Check the environment of the door and make sure nothing blocks the door. Try to close the door again. AC-Dx-2.3: Open door timeout (should never be triggered).
The door could not be opened.
Remedy: Check the environment of the door and make sure nothing blocks the door. Try to open the door again. AC-Dx-2.4: Safety not ok.
One of the safety inputs of the door is not recieved.
Remedy: Check all safety measures of the door. AC-Dx-2.5: Close overridden by open switch.
While closing the door, the switch to open the door is operated.
Remedy: Close the door again. AC-Dx-2.6: Open overridden by close switch (should never be triggered).
While opening the door, the switch to close the door is operated.
Remedy: Open the door again. AC-Dx-2.7: Machine is processing.
Machine is processing the current step.
2.6. Work area (Wx)
Possible actions:
During each action, several execution errors can occur:
2.6.1. AC-Wx-1 Airblow AC-Wx-1.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection. AC-Wx-1.2: Index timeout.
Remedy: Try again. AC-Wx-1.3: Not in loading area.
Remedy: Check the work area and loading area and make sure the work area of the fixture is within the specified loading area.
2.7. ME - Ethernet Alarms
2.7.1. ME.1: Internal failure ethernet library.
Remedy: Check the ethernet library.
2.7.2. ME.2: Tool broken.
Remedy: Check the tool and if necessary, replace the tool.
2.7.3. ME.3: Machine error.
Remedy: Check the error indicated on the machine. If necessary, contact the manufacturer of the machine.
2.8. ME.4: No ethernet dongle found.
Remedy: Check that the dongle is plugged in to the IPC. Check that the dongle is showing a blinking red light. If not, update the HASP driver of the dongle.
2.8.1. ME.5: No connection with the ethernet library.
Remedy: Check the connection and make sure the cable is plugged in.
2.8.2. ME.6: Ethernet library not installed.
Remedy: Check if the installation is done and if necessary, reinstall the Ethernet library.
2.9. A.2.5. Others
2.9.1. OT.0: Pressure level is not ok.
The detected pressure level is not sufficient.
2.9.2. OT.1: Profibus alarm (no connection).
Error with Profibus communication.
2.9.3. OT.2: Fieldbus network alarm (all inputs 0).
The industrial network protocol communication is working, but it received all 0 input bytes. This might indicatea problem with a gateway device.
2.9.4. OT.3: Ethernet/IP alarm (no connection).
Error with Ethernet or IP communication.
2.9.5. OT.4: Fieldbus configuration error (no exchange).
Industrial network protocol configuration error. No communication is possible.
Remedy: Verify configuration.
3. Rack alarms
3.1. Racks (RA)
3.1.1. RA.0: Rack not detected.
No rack detected.
Remedy: Check that the racks are present in the docking stations.
3.2. Rack (Rx)
The 'x' in the name of the device indicates the number of the rack, e.g. rack1. The rack entity can perform following actions:
Clamp and unclamp
During each action, several execution errors can occur:
3.2.1. AC-Rx-1 Clamp and unclamp AC-Rx-1.1: Client disconnected.
Remedy: Check the connection.
3.2.2. AC-Rx-1.2: Clamp timeout.
The clamping could not be executed within the requested time.Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to clamp again.
3.2.3. AC-Rx-1.3: Unclamp timeout.
The unclamping could not be executed within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and try to unclamp again. AC-Rx-1.4: Clamp overridden by unclamp switch.
While the clamp is closing, the switch to open the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to clamping. AC-Rx-1.5: Unclamp overridden by clamp switch.
While the clamp is opening, the switch to close the clamp is operated.
Remedy: Turn the switch back to unclamping.
4. Servo Stacker alarms
4.1. General
4.1.1. SG.0: Stacker not connected.
Remedy: Check the connection of the stacker and make sure the stacker is plugged in.
4.1.2. SG.1: Problem with the pressure.
Remedy: Check the pressure level of the servo stacker to see if the pressure is in the specified range.
4.1.3. SG.2: Error during clamping.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and the servo stacker and try to clamp again.
4.1.4. SG.3: Error during unclamping.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and the servo stacker and try to unclamp again.
4.1.5. SG.4: Faulty command.
Remedy: Check the command and enter the command again.
4.1.6. SG.5: Emergency stop.
Remedy: Remove all obstacles and check why the stacker has stopped. Restart the servo stacker when theerror is solved and obstacles are removed.
4.1.7. SG.10: Robot alarm.
This is a general robot alarm. The actual error is coming from the FANUC robot and can be consulted on theTeach Pendant.
4.1.8. SG.11: Destination of zone 1 out of range.
Remedy: Adjust the destination so the stacker stays in the specified range.
4.1.9. SG.12: Destination of zone 2 out of range.
Remedy: Adjust the destination so the stacker stays in the specified range.
4.1.10. SG.30: Stacker not in position.
The stacker is not in the desired position.
Remedy: Move the stacker plates to the requested position.
4.2. Timeout
4.2.1. ST.1: Timeout while unclamping.
The unclamping could not be finished within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and the servo stacker and try to unclamp again.
4.2.2. ST.2: Timeout while clamping.
The clamping could not be finished within the requested time.
Remedy: Check the environment of the clamp and the servo stacker and try to clamp again.
4.3. Motor
4.3.1. SM.0: No connection with motor 1.
Remedy: Check the connection of the motor and make sure everything is connected in the right way.
4.3.2. SM.1: No connection with motor 2.
Remedy: Check the connection of the motor and make sure everything is connected in the right way.
5. How to get further help
Do not hesitate to contact us when you need additional support beyond the documents provided in the RoboJob Service Knowledge Base.
You may contact the RoboJob Service department using following means:
Help Center:
Phone: +32 15 70 89 70
We kindly ask you to provide us the following information:
Serial number xx-xx-xxx
Description of the fault or defective part
Exact error code or message
What did the robot do
What was the robot supposed to do
Pictures or videos
You can send this information to us via email.To send large files you may make use of a file transfer service like WeTransfer:
An automatic confirmation will be sent upon receipt of your mail.