Coby battery replacement
1. Important info
Throughout the entire operation, the robot needs to be powered on and the emergency stop button pressed. This is required so the robot encoders can be powered while the batteries are removed without losing any of the frame data.
2. Remove cap
The batteries are located behind the motor plate of the second axis of the robot. Remove the 4 bolts from the battery bracket with a 3 mm hex key. It is advised that when you remove all the bolts, you leave the one on top loose. The motor plate can be stuck on the arm and can be removed by hitting it gently with a plastic hammer on the side. It is best to keep the bolt halfway in, so the cap won't fly off.
3. Remove Batteries
Remove the 4 bolts from the battery bracket with a 2.5 mm hex key.
Remove the battery bracket and remove the batteries by pulling. After this, remove the cable connectors.
The robot needs to be powered on and the emergency stop button pressed!
4. Rebuild
Now connect your new batteries and follow the previous steps in reverse.